Wednesday, December 11

Compare Prices and Read Reviews on ProForm Ellipticals 700S Cardiocross PFEL3901 at
I have made significant progress from my first workouts when I could barely go five minutes. I don't get out of breath going up stairs anymore, but, unfortunately, that is the only improvement I've noticed. I don't feel healthier or more energetic. I still dread working out, which I thought would get easier over time. It seems like I'm always hungry. And, worst of all, my figure has not improved one iota and my clothes are as tight as ever!

Given the lack of visible progress, it's hard to stay motivated. My husband always says it's a lot easier to put fat on than to take it off. Boy, is that an understatement. He also says it could be six more months before I start to see the results I want. No matter what, I still paid $400 for this machine and I'm determined to get my money's worth.

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