Monday, December 15

I am grading today. I hate grading. Every semester I tell myself, "This will be the semester that I put all grading online, and refuse to accept late assignments, and fail everyone who misses class more than five times." Sigh.

Wednesday, December 10

Date: today

Subject: Miss Chick-fil-A Pickle Picker

Dear Miss Chick-fil-A:

The last three times that I have ordered a Chick-fil-A sandwich without a pickle, you went to the back and removed the pickle from an existing sandwich. How do I know this? Because, upon biting into the sandwich I could discern the distinct taste of what I like to call "pickle urine."

It's people like you that create customers like me.

Sunday, December 7

WebCT Login Page: "This server has been locked for maintenance by the WebCT administrator.

The server will be available at 10:00 pm on 12/07/03. Thank you for your patience and understanding."

It is now 12/8, 11:45pm. This is not unusual.

Wednesday, December 3

List of things increasing the level of my stomach acid:

1. End of semester grading

2. department politics

3. college politics

4. dissertation

5. committee politics

6. a general, low-level of smoldering anger about so many things that can't be fixed.

7. Control plays masked as benign paternalism.

Tuesday, December 2

I have found my cell phone (old coat pocket) and bought another grinder attachment to sharpen the shovel, then found the original.

Current favorite form of relaxation: shooting the pellet pistol in the basement at 10m targets. I've been reading pellet gun web pages, and there is a really weird, interesting little subculture out there. I swap match scores with some guy I've never met in England. I find this pellet pistol thing to contain a weird confluence of Southern white guys on fixed incomes discussing zen-like strategies for keeping the pistol still. Followed by spirited defenses of killing squirrels.
I really feel sorry for academics whose identity is so wrapped up in their job that they can't watch a good, stupid video and enjoy it. I feel like I am playing David Lodge's "Shame," but I really liked The Fast and the Furious. It was a great video rental, and connected with about 300 different adolescent fantasies that are still floating about in my psyche. I wanted to go play hot wheels with my kids afterwards.

Saturday, November 15

Classics-L: dissertation and teaching: "But, beyond the personal issue, it seemed to me that Classics is

>misdirecting its talent. The fact that PhD programs don't teach their

>students how to teach is a scandal of long-standing. (Personally I think

>the recentish on-list suggestion that acting should be a graduate

>requirement is an excellent one. Teaching is a performance skill.) It


>be bad enough if programs were also not teaching students how to write.

>But, through the genre of the dissertation, *successful* students in PhD

>programs are actually being taught how *not* to write-- how not to write

>clearly and effectively, how not to make remarks of import on issues that

>matter, how not to distinguish evidence that matters for an argument from

>evidence which does not matter, how not to avoid crafting too-lengthy

>sentences with too many parallel clauses.... (damn it!). How many of these

>bad lessons, once learned in the intense formative experience of writing a

>dissertation, will never be unlearned, affecting the writing and even the

>thinking of the future professoriate?

Now missing:

My cell phone, possibly left at the library, and my large bag of rechargeable batteries. No idea where they are. Grrrr. I need a brain implant.

Monday, November 10

Online Technical Writing: Power-Revision Techniques--Structure-Level Revision
Wired News: A Peek Inside the Secret World: "Washington's decisive victory in the 1775 War of Independence can be attributed as much to his skills as a director of clandestine intelligence activities as his military savvy, according to Eugene Poteat, a retired CIA scientific intelligence officer.


Monday, November 3

I found my missing computer bag. Now I am looking for the desire to write. Pray for me.

Monday, October 27

: "Disallow: /president/september11/text Disallow: /president/statearrival/iraq Disallow: /president/statearrival/text Disallow: /president/statedinner-mexico-200109/iraq Disallow: /president/statedinner-mexico-200109/text Disallow: /president/statedinnerprep-mexico-200109/iraq Disallow: /president/statedinnerprep-mexico-200109/text Disallow: /president/statevisit/iraq Disallow: /president/statevisit/text Disallow: /president/statevisit/window/iraq Disallow: /president/statevisit/window/text Disallow: /president/statevisit20030522/iraq Disallow: /president/statevisit20030522/text Disallow: /president/statevisitday2-mexico-200109/TEMP/text Disallow: /president/statevisitday2-mexico-200109/iraq Disallow: /president/statevisitday2-mexico-200109/text Disallow: /president/tee-ball-01/iraq Disallow: /president/tee-ball-01/text Disallow: /president/tee-ball-02/iraq Disallow: /president/tee-ball-02/text Disallow: /president/tee-ball-03/iraq Disallow: /president/tee-ball-03/text Disallow: /president/text Disallow: /president/winterwonderland/iraq Disallow: /president/winterwonderland/text Disallow: /president/world-leaders/iraq Disallow: /president/world-leaders/text Disallow: /president/worldunites/iraq Disallow: /president/worldunites/text Disallow: /response/diplomatic/iraq Disallow: /response/diplomatic/text Disallow: /response/iraq Disallow: /response/military/text Disallow: /response/text Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/behindthescenes/iraq Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/behindthescenes/print/iraq Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/behindthescenes/print/text Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/behindthescenes/text Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/iraq Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/photos/iraq Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/photos/print/iraq Disallow: /stateoftheunion/2002/photos/print/text"

Wednesday, October 15

Favorite thing to say before grabbing the swatter: "They-ah is gonna be killin' he-uh today, and I'm gonna do it."

Monday, October 13

If you put your files in the "Sites" folder, you can view them by going to:

Except you need to substitute the name of your group for carboosters.
Hi alabamalady,: "I don't work full-time anymore, but I work 32 hours a week, which is almost the same (I get Thursdays off). My trick is to go for a half-hour walk after work, and then to let myself unwind for an hour before I hit the diss work. Then I post on the daily (I really like to co-pact, especially lately) that I am going to do 2 sessions of 45 minutes (which is all I can usually bring myself to do after a full day's work). Then I make myself quit after 2x45, no matter whether or not I still feel like going. And I read fiction, or chat, or do something mindless before bed. That way I don't burn myself out.

The only exception I make is when I have a deadline within a few days--because I can sleep more after I make the deadline.

I also do at least 5 units of work over the weekend. I try to always take Sundays off, but make some exceptions.

Everyone seems to have different strategies, though, as I'm sure you'll notice when other people start responding to your post.

I hope you'll be as nice to yourself as you can possibly be. Transitions are really hard, even beyond trying to figure out a new workable schedule."

Friday, October 10

Things I can't find:

1. my cell phone

2. the little grinder drill attachment that I am going to use to sharpen my shovel and dig up weeds

3. the battery charger

Wednesday, October 8

Top 10 Software Titles Every Home PC Needs?
ftp settings:



For next class period: read chapter 6. Prepare for a brutal quiz.

Download WSFP_LE
In class today:

1. creation of group accounts and web pages

2. use of ftp

3. blogging requirements

4. Workflow and document management discussion

5. Read chapter 6 (collaboration) for Monday. Keep revising your drafts.




The Register: "Perseus' study doesn't see a 'community' as much as a graveyard. The average weblog is only updated once every fourteen days, and Perseus concludes that 'the majority of blogs started are dissolving into static, abandoned web pages.' Well, maybe people have simply got better things to do. This is not a bad thing.


Thursday, October 2

CAQDAS Networking Project: "OS X"
I'd love to see a non-profit, uncopyrighted website that

collected free disciplinary readings that could be automagically

combined into downloadable coursepacks. Or just open it to

instructors to prevent crushing bandwidth bills, and let them

worry about distribution to students. I suppose such a site

could also collect lesson plans, etc. although those usually need

to be taken in a particular context to be very helpful. Please

promulgate this idea so someone else will throw this together :)

Think of a Napster for free (legal) textbooks. Bookster (the

domain is only $5000). It's arguable that I'm just describing


I'm not ready to throw out traditional publishers, however,

because despite the numbing sameness of many composition

handbooks, there is still great stuff out there that probably

wouldn't have ever emerged without a publisher (and tenure


Monday, September 29

Slashdot: Search writer's block
Overcoming Writers Block: "3. Polishing it off

My thesis advisor gave me this advice: 'The sword is mightier than the pen.' Meaning, it's easier to cut stuff out at the end than try and find quality filler.

So I always write more than I think is necessary - and out of all of the extra roughness, a few gems usually appear. "
Overcoming Writers Block: "Write something every single day - I have taken a few writing classes, and one common denominator (and perhaps the only meaningful information from any of them) was so simple as to defy imagination. Simply write something every single day.

I write one article, completely polished and ready for publication, every single day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Sometimes I write two or three articles in a day.

It really doesn't matter what I write, although I usually write about the internet or computers. But occasionally I write other things, including pages for my autobiography or even a love letter to the wife.

Put aside time to write - I have set aside 'writing time', two hours every single night, in which I isolate myself in my office at home and write my heart out. My wife respects my introversion during this time as it allows me to do one of the things that I love the most: communicate ideas in written form.

Fill in any missing blanks - If I find that I am having trouble explaining something in writing or the words just don't flow, I look around and see if there is something about it that I do not fully understand. That often works.

Ignore the idiots of the world - There sure seem to be a lot of jerks sometimes. However, I don't need to allow some babbling idiots ruin my writing. Just because someone does not like something does not mean anything except they didn't like it...

I do not ask for criticism - I never ask anyone to criticize my works, ever. I do not ask for site reviews of my websites, I don't submit my works for review. Why not? I am not interested in other people's silly opinions about my works. I know I am a good writer, a excellent webmaster and a great manager. I don't need anyone to tell me how good I am, and I certainly don't need anyone to point out my faults.

Hypnosis for Writers: "Conceiving of the Block as an object or symbol of some kind, and then destroying it while the writer is relaxed in hypnosis, is yet another way to overcome Writer's Block.

Generate Ideas

The well-worn advice to 'sleep on it', when you are confronted with a tough problem, really means 'prime your subconscious.' And so it is with hypnosis. Instead of drifting off to sleep, you drift into hypnosis. You could have asked your subconscious for ideas, or just let yourself flow with whatever it pops into your conscious mind."
[Biathlon] re: hitting low when shooting off hand: "[Biathlon] re: hitting low when shooting off hand "
From now on, clever little links are going to the "linkages" blog thing. And I am just going to write in this space.

On the way home from work my transmission kept slipping into neutral. Fortunately I had just payed $270 to have this problem fixed. And it's not just the money that hurts, it's being without a car for days as their original estimate extends into days and the cost creeps up and I get the sneaking suspicion that I am paying these guys to learn how to fix my car. Instead of the Pell Grant, it's the Crane grant.
Irfanview --a great free graphics program.

Gadwin printscreen

Really useful freeware programs for manipulating images and grabbing screenshots.

The Onion | Idaville Detective 'Encyclopedia' Brown Found Dead In Library Dumpster: "Because of the long-standing mutual enmity between Meany and Brown, Meany was named among the suspects in The Case Of Encyclopedia Brown's Mangled Corpse. Meany denied the allegations.

'It's true that Detective Brown and I didn't see eye to eye, but I would never do something so downright dirty rotten as murder him,' Meany said. 'Besides, it's a matter of public record that, at the time the crime was committed, I was at the North Pole watching the penguins.'

While no solid leads have surfaced, Kimball-Brown said she has a hunch that Brown knew his killer.

'The bitter irony is that Brown would have easily cracked a case like this one,' Kimball-Brown said. 'I just can't help but wonder: WHAT DID ENCYCLOPEDIA KNOW THAT WOULD HAVE HELPED HIM SOLVE HIS OWN MURDER?'" - Poll: Davis in peril, Schwarzenegger shows strength - Sep. 29, 2003: "LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) --Voters in the California recall election might be poised to kick Gov. Gray Davis out and vote Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Sunday.

When asked how they would vote on recalling Davis, 63 percent of probable voters surveyed said they would vote yes, compared with 35 percent who said they would vote no."

Essentially, Ah-nuld is a pro wrestler. Where does this deep longing for pro wrestlers as politicians come from? It frightens me, but it also shows on some level a canny acknowledgement that politics is entirely spectacle. - The lighter side of Jack Black: "White had to slightly alter his tale to accommodate specific teen musicians plucked from a nationwide pool of thousands, but Black's character underwent no significant alterations.

'Mike wrote it in my voice,' Black says. 'The script was a Ferrari that pulled into my driveway. I sat in it and said, 'I can't believe I'm going to drive this.' The seats were leather, but I was hoping for crushed velvet, and Mike changed it just for me. Tiny, minuscule tinkering. Then I took it on the road and noticed there was a turbo button that released the nitro. OK, I've taken this metaphor too far.'"

Sunday, September 28

rabbit blog: "I want a peddle that changes the channels on my TV. Maybe one that's connected to my TiVo, so I can fast forward through the dull parts and still type like the wind. I want a robot who'll answer my phone, and also call publicists and make nicey nice with them, and become their friends and take them out to drinks and learn all of the complicated relationships between them, and then exploit those relationships to get advance tapes and interviews with key figures from the entertainment universe. I'm not malevolent enough to do this dirty work; I prefer to spend my time here, in my lair, barely moving at all.

I have a stupid office chair, but the point is, I don't want to have to sit upright at a desk. Sitting upright at a desk makes me feel like I'm working or something. I prefer for my posture to give the illusion of slacking around the house without a care in the world. Otherwise I feel like I'm working, like I have a job or something. I must trick myself, I must never, ever catch wind of the fact that I have a job with responsibilities and obligations. Otherwise, the brain muscle feels weak and won't wrinkle upon demand. If the brain muscle thinks its being forced to exert itself for pay, it sighs deeply and says, 'I can't think of anything. I'm tired. I need chocolate to think.' "
GIRLS ARE PRETTY: "9. I was in love once. And the feelings I held for my lover, if I were to imagine those feelings of love taking the form of a little tiny couple in love themselves, that love-couple would look like those two. Except with different shoes. And, oh wait, is that dude wearing an earring? Oh wait, sorry, never mind.

Happy If You're Both Attractive, Stay Together For The Sake Of The Rest Of Us Day!"
Meteorites, Meteorites and Impacts: "Here is what President of the United States Bill Clinton had to say about the discovery of evidence for life in a meteorite from Mars:

'It is well worth contemplating how we reached this moment of discovery. More than 4 billion years ago this piece of rock was formed as a part of the original crust of Mars. After billions of years it broke from the surface and began a 16 million year journey through space that would end here on Earth. It arrived in a meteor shower 13,000 years ago. And in 1984 an American scientist on an annual U.S. government mission to search for meteors on Antarctica picked it up and took it to be studied. Appropriately, it was the first rock to be picked up that year -- rock number 84001.

Today, rock 84001 speaks to us across all those billions of years and millions of miles. It speaks of the possibility of life. If this discovery is confirmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined. Even as it promises answers to some of our oldest questions, it poses still others even more fundamental.

We will continue to listen closely to what it has to say as we continue the search for answers and for knowledge that is as old as humanity itself but essential to our people's future.'"

I can't even imagine Bush reading that paragraph. With help. Remembering Edward Said: "Like many people, I'm sure, I was deeply influenced by Said's work -- Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism, of course, but also some of the earlier less political works, like Beginnings. He was largely responsible -- some might say to blame -- for importing French cultural theory into the American intellectual scene, particularly Foucault, who obviously had a huge influence on Orientalism. But he always resisted the inane wordplay and self-absorption that characterized so much of American theory in the eighties and early nineties. He absolutely despised 'radical theorists' like Judith Butler, for instance. I remember him bristling anytime someone used the word 'discourse' in one of our seminars -- and I remember thinking at the time that I had first starting using the word myself after reading Orientalism during my freshman year.

I'm sure there will be a flood of eulogies with more insightful surveys of his work (and no doubt some critics, given his political stances.) But I think it's worth saying something here that I've said about Said for more than ten years now: on his best days, he was the most charismatic man I've ever met in my life -- handsome, stylish, impossibly articulate, and surprisingly willing to take a joke at his own expense. (I used to tease him about his being indirectly responsible for unleashing Butler on the world.) I remember vividly one early spring afternoon, sitting through a seminar he was teaching on public intellectuals, in a room overlooking the Columbia campus and the sun setting over Riverside Park, and thinking to myself: there's literally nowhere else I'd rather be right now. I'm sure there are thousands of his students out there sifting through similar memories today. "

If I ever felt that way about graduate school the memory has long since fled.
Idle Words: "The Cincinnati Airport is full of small adventures. I just saw a very bored flight attendant saunter by holding a cardboard box with a large orange sticker on it reading 'Human Eyes'. Note to Delta Connection passengers: skip in-flight snack.

Also, there are Russians here! More specifically, there is Natalya from Nizhny Novgorod, who mans a forlorn muffin-and-coffee cart near the blaring CNN sector. Nothing whisks away airport anomie like having a short conversation in a foreign language with someone who shares your fondness for potatoes. "
The Observer | UK News | Suncream is 'no protection against cancer': "Sunbathers who smother their bodies in lotions to block out harmful rays are not being protected against skin cancer and premature ageing, a new study has found.

Research published tomorrow will show that sunscreens, even when they are high factor and applied in the proper amounts, do not prevent dangerous changes in the skin's make-up which can promote the growth of cancer.

Although the lotions prevent burning they are less effective at blocking out UVA rays, which are believed to cause melanoma, the most dangerous skin cancer. Scientists are expected to warn this week that people must not be led by a false sense of security into staying longer in the sun because they are covered with high-factor lotions.

Cases of melanoma are now rising faster than any other cancer in Britain, and deaths from the disease are also on the increase. In the UK, 1,600 a year die from melanoma, more than the 1,000 annual deaths in Australia, where people have learnt to cover up in the sun."
The Miami Herald | 09/21/2003 | Roughing it easier with eyes closed: "After our briefing, Ron and I got into our kayaks and pushed out into the river to practice our paddling skills. In a few minutes we found that by stroking our paddles on the left or right side, forward or backward, we were able to have absolutely no effect on what our kayaks were doing. Our kayaks were taking direction only from the Salmon River, which was telling them: Go Downstream Now! So we did. In a few minutes we hit our first rapids, which were officially classified as a Class 3 rapids (``Not Always Fatal'')."

Saturday, September 27 - Poll reveals most hated sports include dogfighting, golf - Sep. 27, 2003: "Ten years ago, only 12.5 percent of white Americans had strong feelings against the NBA. In the poll this year, that soared to 21.1 percent of whites who hated or disliked the NBA. The number of black respondents who felt that way stayed virtually unchanged at under 3 percent. " - Poll reveals most hated sports include dogfighting, golf - Sep. 27, 2003: "'In the NBA, there are underlying racial issues and resentment about how the players act, how many get arrested and how much they're paid,' said Sports Marketing Group managing director Nye Lavalle. 'In baseball, the labor disputes, the huge salaries, the perception of players on steroids and their perceived arrogance are factors.' "
Any day now there's going to be a class action lawsuit by all the brunettes who didn't get hired at Checker auto. Unless they bleach them out after hiring.
Today I found:

1. electric screwdriver power supply

2. missing wirecutters

3. bootleg microphone, also missing

also modified the trigger pull on my air pistol and it worked!
Google Search:: "Or you can just take a cardboard box, fill it with old computer magazines, with the spines of the magazines against what will be the far wall of the box, crumple up some old newspapers and stick them in the open space at the front of the box. Tape a target on the front and you are ready to go."
'60s 'Boys' went through hoops not to grow up: "When Larry Brown talks about the clarity he found dropping acid for the first time, the understanding of his connection to the earth, the words may be those of an aging hippie who now builds environment-friendly homes outside of Woodstock, N.Y., but the underlying sentiment is really about the common experience of lost youth. To a man (and one woman), the subjects of 'The Boys of 2nd Street Park' look back at their time shooting hoops in Brighton Beach and find themselves 40 years later asking, 'What happened?' "

Friday, September 26

Clean-up! Sculpture in aisle nine! | Metafilter: "I recall a legendary guerilla art installation put up in the middle of the night in (I believe) Northampton, Mass: a television playing a video loop of something disturbing to the public decorum ( like a talking head proclaiming the advent of Orwell's 1984, or some such )was bolted 8 or 10 feet up on the side of a building on Main Street. A metal cage over the TV prevented easy removal, especially because the contraption was rigged to throw off showers of sparks if disturbed. It sucked power off a line coming directly from a pole. The fire and police depts. eventually gave up and called the electric company to cut the line. It was quite a public spectacle.

That's good art too."
Continuation of The Matrix Reloaded ( "Sajjman says:

Has it been mentioned that the principle of 'The Matrix' is almost identical to Sokrates and Platons 'The Cave' theory ? That if u're used to one reality you're bound to that one until someone releases you and you see the other reality ? It must have been mentioned , and if not i'll try to explain more in detail.

» by Sajjman on September 18, 2003 at 03:50:19 ET

Ken Wais says:

Sajjman, this 'cave' sounds interesting, do expand. Sounds like a version of relativism. "

Wednesday, September 24

outline.doc "In fairness to the incompetence at the Provo School District, the issue of paying for personal risk management and health maintenance odds should not be part of business or services. It is counterproductive, outdated tradition. Business and services should concentrate on business and services undistracted by the costs and logistics of workers' personal risk management."
Democratic Underground Forums - Clark in NY last night. My report.: "OK, now the juicy stuff. There was at least one diplomat at my party. Charlie Rangel was at a couple of the parties. I heard that Ben Stiller, Bianca Jagger and a couple other notable people were at the other parties. The high dollar event was 'intense' according to people that volunteered. A famous musician that is supporting one of the candidates from the northeast was at one of the parties. I don't know what that's about, but it was supposedly a big deal. I leave it for you to figure out.

And one last thing; I got to shake his hand (again). I said to him: 'You said in Knoxville that we wouldn't be afraid of guys like Limbaugh. They are coming after you.' He said: 'Limbaugh's full of shit.' I have to agree. He said that he is not going to sink to their level. He said that he needs us to call the radio stations and do what needs to be done.

So that was my experience. Hot, sweaty, powerful, and somewhat intense. I will repeat this one more time. Clark is OK. He has said that he is running for us. General Clark would be a President that we could all be proud of.

Lost items that are driving me insane:

1. power screwdriver adapter

2. many rechargeable batteries

3. old laptop case and books

4. motivation
Kelley's new series worth looking at -- unlike its stars: "To Kelley's credit, he has all but scrapped the pilot and reshaped the series. But there are now broader hints of Kelley's fascination with serendipity and whimsy -- Hank and Dottie getting therapy from an internist instead of a shrink, Garrett's daughter painting 'Spongebob Squarepants' on his bald head, Waylon asking his wife to duct tape his butt cheeks together because it will increase his confidence as he searches for a job. "

Tuesday, September 23

Lighting and Crime: Summary: "Improving street lighting, when it reduces crime, tends to reduce daylight crime as well as crime during darkness. This certainly means that a simple view of lighting as having its effects through increasing surveillance is not tenable. It probably means that lighting improvements which are accompanied by other measures to consult and inform residents, and otherwise enhance social cohesion, will stimulate the mixture of ‘active ingredients’ underlying lighting effects. Such considerations should be incorporated in local crime reduction strategies under the 1998 Act.

· Crime and disorder is distributed very unequally. For example in 1991, some 60% of assaultive crime occurred in the 10% most crime prone areas. This means that crime prevention measures across wide areas with varying crime problems will generally not be regarded as the most cost-effective use of resources. In the CCTV challenge process, local bids had to justify locations for camera installation. In the Government’s current Crime Reduction Programme, the Local Initiatives element will unquestionably be subject to a similar process of assessment for funding. The criteria of such assessment will include originality and focussed effort. For this reason, schemes which involve lighting small areas or the innovative use of lighting will have an advantage over those which involve lighting of large areas and those in which the mechanism of operation is explored. It is acknowledged that street lighting has economies of scale, and that its installation is only incidentally crime preventive. Thus there will be a tension between the extent and nature of lighting desirable for other purposes and that for crime reduction. "
United Press International: Analysis: 'West Wing's' fresh start
Justin's Links: The Quickening
UNDERWORLD / ** (R): "But 'Underworld' is all surfaces, all costumes and sets and special effects, and so you might as well look at the doors as anything else. This is a movie so paltry in its characters and shallow in its story that the war seems to exist primarily to provide graphic visuals. Two of those visuals are Kate Beckinsale, who plays Selene, a vampire with (apparently) an unlimited line of credit at North Beach Leather, and Scott Speedman as Michael, a young intern who is human, at least until he is bitten by a werewolf -- and maybe even after, since although you become a vampire after one bites you, I am uncertain about the rules regarding werewolves,"
Screenwriting: Script Review: Tarantino's KILL BILL: "Kill Bill is about 'The Bride' (Uma Thurman) who seeks revenge on Bill after he slaughters everyone at her wedding and leaves her for dead. Her apparent dying words to him are that she is pregnant, and it’s his baby. She of course doesn’t die, but lies in a coma for 5 years. Bill is an expert swordsman and deadly assassin, as is The Bride. Why he wants her dead isn’t known at this point. There are other characters as well. The Bride seeks her revenge on all of them. The story is also a little more (and I mean just a little) complicate than that, but I’ll leave you with your imagination. "
Guardian Unlimited | Online | Second sight: "Or, at least, they hope to. Bloggers always hope to rush into the arms of Mammon, despite all the signs that Mammon is not interested in even a small cuddle. Bloggers are convinced that at any moment, the rest of the world - besides the 2% of web users that analysts Jupiter say now look at weblogs - will eagerly pay for the stuff they write. "
Food For Everyone Foundation - FAQ -The Zoo-Doo Man: "However, the most important thing I learned in that two-year experiment was not how to make and sell Zoo-Doo. I learned for myself that I could grow better vegetables more consistently, and with a lot less time, cost, and hassle, with a few pounds of inexpensive natural mineral nutrients than I could with truckloads of 'the world's best compost.'

I therefore continue to use good, clean organic materials when they are available, but I know that highly productive vegetable gardens are not dependent on improving the soil with organic material."
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic ice shelf splits: "The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf is located on the north coast of Ellesmere Island in Canada's Nunavut territory.

The huge mass of floating ice, which has been in place for at least 3,000 years, is now in two major pieces. "

Monday, September 22

Yahoo! News - How a regular guy gets homeless: "At one state park on the ocean north of Santa Barbara, a mountain lion walked through my campsite at dusk while I was tending a campfire. I slept in my truck that night instead of my tent.

Falling through the cracks

At first I wasn't eligible for food stamps because I had more than $2,000 (the maximum allowed to qualify) to my name and because I thought my truck was worth too much. But eventually, the money ran out and I found out that my truck, with more than 170,000 miles on it now, was worth less than the $4,650 the food stamp program allows. I got anywhere from nothing to $139 a month in food stamps depending on my freelance income for the month. I had several glitches on food stamp amounts due to errors by bureaucrats, but I appealed and won."
Total Population Control: "GWEN works in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, which is similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. An Elate system operates at Moscow airport. The GWEN towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjuction with HAARP. The website wrote an expose of how the major floods of the Mid-West USA occurred in 1993."
Yonkers Police - - Carjacking Tips | JMB Web Designs: "Why is Carjacking a Problem?

No one knows for certain, but some explanations include:

It's a crime of opportunity - a thief searching for the most vulnerable prey. Sometimes it's the first step in another crime.

For some young people, carjacking may be a rite of passage, a status symbol, or just a thrill.

Cars, especially luxury ones, provide quick cash for drug users and other criminals.

Sophisticated alarms and improved locking devices make it harder for thieves to steal unoccupied cars.

It's easy to buy, steal, or barter for guns in this country. And a pointed gun makes a powerful threat.

More teens and adults commit crimes of violence than ever before.

Intense media interest may have created 'copycat' carjackers. "
Rock Climbing as Therapy
Class websites:

these days [dive into mark]: "and we got the pooh bedding, classic pooh of course because we’re That Sort Of Snob, or at least i am, because i actually grew up with the original pooh stories by a.a. milne, long before the whole pooh estate got bought out by disney and turned into a franchise and some mindless executive drone came along and said 'you know what we really need here? clothes. it’s just completely unbelieveable that all these make-believe animals are frolicking around in a forest with no visible means of economic support, talking and carrying on and writing bad poetry and generally displaying signs of higher-order intelligence, but none of them are wearing any clothes.' and then a bunch of people like me complained, although not me personally, and then disney did a new-coke-classic-coke thing and came out with classic pooh, although these days most of the classic pooh you see in stores isn’t really classic pooh, it’s just in the style of classic pooh, since there really weren’t that many illustrations that e.h. shepherd did in the original pooh, and disney needs more designs than that."
Philip Greenspun's Weblog:: "Java is the SUV of programming tools

Our students this semester in 6.171, Software Engineering for Internet Applications have divided themselves into roughly three groups. One third has chosen to use Microsoft .NET, building pages in C#/ASP.NET connecting to SQL Server. One third has chosen to use scripting languages such as PHP connecting to PostgreSQL and sometimes Oracle. The final third, which seems to be struggling the most, is using Java Server Pages (JSP) with Oracle on Linux. JSP is fantastically simpler than 'J2EE', which is the recommended-by-Sun way of building applications, but still it seems to be too complex for seniors and graduate students in the MIT computer science program, despite the fact that they all had at least one semester of Java experience in 6.170.

After researching how to do bind variables in Java (see the very end of, which turns out to be much harder and more error-prone than in 20-year-old C interfaces to relational databases, I had an epiphany: Java is the SUV of programming tools.

A project done in Java will cost 5 times as much, take twice as long, and be harder to maintain than a project done in a scripting language such as PHP or Perl. People who are serious about getting the job done on time and under budget will use tools such as Visual Basic (controlled all the machines that decoded the human genome). But the programmers and managers using Java will feel good about themselves because they are using a tool that, in theory, has a lot of power for handling problems of tremendous complexity. Just like the suburbanite who drives his SUV to the 7-11 on a paved road but feels good because in theory he could climb a 45-degree dirt slope. If a programmer is attacking a truly difficul"

Sunday, September 21 - Study: Even mid-life diet change can extend life - Sep. 19, 2003: "'If this works in humans, then it means that from the time a person starts on a restricted diet, they'll be like individuals of the same age who were always on that diet,' she said. 'Their prospects of survival are the same.'

Partridge said that although the life-extending effects of short rations have never been proven in humans, it has been shown in monkeys, mice, rats and fruit flies that diet restrictions will lead to longer lives.

'There is no reason to suppose it wouldn't apply equally to humans,' she said. 'There are diet restriction studies now underway with monkeys and all the indications appear the same [as with mice, rats and fruit flies].' "
Air Gun Tips from around the Globe: "To rectify transfer port problems I prefer to use a small ballend steel burr in a Dremel tool at very low speed. The smallest rechargeable Dremel on the market is an indispensable tool when working on guns for me. If I can access the transfer port with the ballend burr I use it to'break' the edge of the transfer port by grinding the sharp edge to a less aggressive profile that won't catch the pellet, but allow it to slide past without damage. It isn't possible to get a ballend burr into the port area on many guns so your only recourse in that case is to create a slotted rod or dowel that you can wrap with fine emory cloth or sandpaper. This should also be a follow-up step to the port clean-up with the Dremel. The bolt will have to be removed to use this method, but it's not too difficult with most guns. "
Air Gun Tips from around the Globe: "Cheap Effective Cleaning

A cheap and effective pull-through for cleaning airguns can be made from a length of .080 weed wacker cord. The plastic cord will not harm the rifling or crown like a cleaning rod will. To make the pull-through you first cut your length and make sure to cut an angle on one end. This angle(point) is used to puncture a patch when cleaning."
Crosman Airgun Forum: "If your 1377 doesn't shoot accurately, its not because the barrel is 'dirty'. Earlier posts discussed lapping, bore paste, etc, all things that should not be done to the very fine rifling in a 1377. If anything, the muzzle end of the barrel needs to be recrowned, and the breech end checked for burrs. This is very common in the Crosman guns, and almost all need at least some barrel work to be really accurate.

As for when you should clean your airgun, well, maybe never. I have guns found in original condition that are going on 70 years old, they've never been cleaned and shoot better than any new gun. I have new guns that have thousands of pellets through them, never been cleaned, and accuracy is better than when new. The only reason to clean an airgun bore is if its a springer thats been dieseling heavily. That causes a carbon and oil sludge buildup in the barrel that needs to be removed. "
Google Search: breech "weed eater": "I use an Otis for larger than .22 and love it. For .177s and .22s I went a little better by heating the weed eater line first and squishing it in a vice. When I had tried just pounding it it had fractures in it. The thickness of the jaws was just about right (around an inch). Following a suggestion I read on an airgun forum I squeezed it again around 1/2' from the first squeeze and at a right angle to it. I also embellished it by poking a hot ice pick through the slits at each end. This relieves any stresses that might fracture and makes holes so you get a wider slit in my later operation. . Then I smoothed and further widened the slits with an emery board. This makes inserting the patches much easier. The double patches make things go twice as fast. Cleaner on the lead patch and a dry one following. As many times as needed, then two dry ones, then an oily lead with a dry following. I agree with the breech to muzzle only."
Google Search: breech "weed eater": "# Hoppy wrote: # Or get a piece of the largest Weed Eater string about six feet # long. Hammer the center flat for about an inch then make a slit with an Exacto # knife and thread a patch through it. Feed the line into either end of the # barrel and pull back and forth."
Crown paintball barrels: "How to crown a paintball gun barrel without a lathe

I crowned the Taso SS Pro barrel on my Tippmann .68 Carbine and got rid of the flyers that the gun was throwing 20% of the time. The barrel had minor visible imperfections on the crown. I have access to a lathe that I have used to crown Firearm barrels, but it is a lot of trouble. I thought I would try something that anyone can do.

This method won't work if you cut off a barrel with a hacksaw. You would have to use a lathe on that. But I think it will suffice on most barrels.

I bought a 1' diameter SS ball Bearing from Small Parts, Inc. and some 120 Grit valve Grinding Compound from a local Auto Parts store. (Small parts has the compound too, if you want to get everything from the same place). I applied liberal amounts of the compound to the bearing, and holding the barrel in a vertical position, rotated the ball on the crown of the barrel. Don't keep the ball in the same position, but roll the ball as you grind. You should use the entire surface of the ball during the grinding session. Since you are doing all of this by hand, rotate the barrel at intervals also. This will minimize uneven wear from the handheld process. After about 5 minutes of sporadic grinding (it makes your hand hurt), I had a nice even gray grind pattern just under 1\16' wide. "
Google Search: lapping "Mitch wrote

>How bad is the crown now? Do you need to cut the barrel back a bit, or can

>you just lap

>the existing crown?

>You may be able to recrown without pulling the sight, get some fine lapping

>compound such

>as JB Bore Paste, and a brass round-head screw with a head a

>bit bigger than the bore. Chuck the screw in a hand held drill, goop it up

>with Bore Paste, and rock the drill back and forth as it turns, frequently

>stopping to turn the barrel a bit. When you've polished an even margin all

>around, clean the barrel and test-fire. Most of the plastic sights are


>on, you can usually heat them and tap them off. The trick with cutting back

>the barrel is

>to get the face square to the bore, not an easy task with hand tools.

>A good machinist can probably file it square after cutting, but I can't."
Crosman Airgun Forum: "It's your gun and wallet but a decked out CR1377 will cost you several hundred dollars by the time your finished and thats money you could have used to buy a better gun in the first place. As you correctly noted the 1377 is a pretty nice gun for the money just the way you got it."
Crosman Airgun Forum: "Locate one end of the spring a remove one half of a turn from it. This will shorten the spring about 1/32-1/16' of an inch.

DON'T cut the spring in half."
Crosman Airgun Forum: "Lapping

September 21 2003 at 5:48 AM Anonymous (Login geron)

from IP address

Response to Ok, understand lapping a little. I think.

Use as last resort but before recrowning. Lap from the breech end. Amount of paste -- enough to do the job. Hard to say. I first use JB on a patch with a crown saver from MAC1 pulled breech to muzzle. Then JB on a pellet if necessry. Finally, recrown the thing if nothing else works.

One thing I forgot. Should be No. 1 -- replace the trigger spring. Use a No. 4 or No 6 (almost too light - reinforce with drinking straw or some other type guide) from Ace Hdwe. Or cut one wind off the factory spring -- careful and measure, you can cut too much off. "

Saturday, September 20

: "==============================



JB paste is popular among competitive centerfire shooters. The abrasive compound is designed

to be harder than copper but softer than steel. It has NEVER been known to harm barrels.

Copper fouling kills target barrels over time and is difficult to clean out without abrasives.

Abrasives such as Clover brand or lapping compounds are meant to polish (wear) steel. JB

will not do this to your barrel. Never compare JB to lapping compound. Unless you are shooting

copper clad pellets, you don't need it. If you notice any lead buildup that a nylon bore brush

will not remove easily, don't go out and buy a bronze brush. These can wear on your

rifling over time. Here's the ticket, theres a penetrating oil on the market called

Kroil. Its like wd-40 but much better. It 'creeps' under lead and copper and floats it out

of your rifling. It's nonabrasive and has a signature smell like wd-40 does, only different.

It comes in an orange can, either a spray can or in larger bulk cans. Needless to say, NEVER

clean from the muzzle end without a bore guide. Either use a pull through string type jag or

rod and clean from the breech end, always in the direction of the pellet. This will keep your

muzzle crown from wearing and opening up your groups. You can call Midway Supply and order some

if you can't find it locally. Their number is (800)243-3220 or"
Google Toolbar Installed: "Now that you've installed the Google Toolbar, you've got the world's best search at your fingertips.

Getting Started "
78792 - Works: Exporting Works Database Files to Microsoft Excel: "SUMMARY

To export a Microsoft Works for Windows database into Microsoft Excel, do the following:

Open the database file in Works for Windows.

From the View menu, choose List.

From the File menu, choose Save As, enter a new filename, choose Text and Tabs, dBASE III, or dBASE IV as the format, and choose OK.

From the File menu, choose Exit Works.

Start Excel. From the File menu, choose Open.

Enter the full path for the file.

The file will open directly into Excel, and the information will be arranged in columns similar to the List view in Works for Windows."
BLOGGER - Knowledge Base: "There are a number of reasons for including multiple blogs on a single page. Perhaps you'd like to have two or three users posting at once, but don't want the posts combined in a single blog column. Or maybe you'd like to post notes and comments in your sidebar that don't fit in with the rest of the content of your blog. It's even possible (depending on your server's capabilities) to grab blog content from another server and paste it seamlessly into your existing code. The possibilities are endless, really.

Including multiple blogs on a single page can be achieved through the use of includes. Includes are a feature on many different servers and platforms, including Server Side Includes, PHP, ASP, and Cold Fusion. The type of include method you need will depend on what kind of platform your server is running and whether or not your server has the functionality set up to do so. If you're not sure which of the following techniques are right for you, please ask your system administrator.

Say you want to post a list of books you're currently reading in the sidebar of your main blog page. First you'll need to create a new blog. Log into Blogger and click 'Create a new blog' link in the right column. Specify the information requested and then click on Settings to enter additional information needed there. We'll use 'books.html' as the file name for this new blog.

After you've completed your settings, open the template for this new blog by clicking on Template . Remove the , and tags, leaving only the Blogger code. It should look something like this:




BLOGGER - Knowledge Base: "There are a number of reasons for including multiple blogs on a single page. Perhaps you'd like to have two or three users posting at once, but don't want the posts combined in a single blog column. Or maybe you'd like to post notes and comments in your sidebar that don't fit in with the rest of the content of your blog. It's even possible (depending on your server's capabilities) to grab blog content from another server and paste it seamlessly into your existing code. The possibilities are endless, really.

Including multiple blogs on a single page can be achieved through the use of includes. Includes are a feature on many different servers and platforms, including Server Side Includes, PHP, ASP, and Cold Fusion. The type of include method you need will depend on what kind of platform your server is running and whether or not your server has the functionality set up to do so. If you're not sure which of the following techniques are right for you, please ask your system administrator.

Say you want to post a list of books you're currently reading in the sidebar of your main blog page. First you'll need to create a new blog. Log into Blogger and click 'Create a new blog' link in the right column. Specify the information requested and then click on Settings to enter additional information needed there. We'll use 'books.html' as the file name for this new blog.

After you've completed your settings, open the template for this new blog by clicking on Template . Remove the , and tags, leaving only the Blogger code. It should look something like this:




78792 - Works: Exporting Works Database Files to Microsoft Excel: "SUMMARY

To export a Microsoft Works for Windows database into Microsoft Excel, do the following:

Open the database file in Works for Windows.

From the View menu, choose List.

From the File menu, choose Save As, enter a new filename, choose Text and Tabs, dBASE III, or dBASE IV as the format, and choose OK.

From the File menu, choose Exit Works.

Start Excel. From the File menu, choose Open.

Enter the full path for the file.

The file will open directly into Excel, and the information will be arranged in columns similar to the List view in Works for Windows."
78792 - Works: Exporting Works Database Files to Microsoft Excel: "SUMMARY

To export a Microsoft Works for Windows database into Microsoft Excel, do the following:

Open the database file in Works for Windows.

From the View menu, choose List.

From the File menu, choose Save As, enter a new filename, choose Text and Tabs, dBASE III, or dBASE IV as the format, and choose OK.

From the File menu, choose Exit Works.

Start Excel. From the File menu, choose Open.

Enter the full path for the file.

The file will open directly into Excel, and the information will be arranged in columns similar to the List view in Works for Windows."
Police: Baseball fan shot after game: "Mark Antenorcruz, 25, of Covina, was shot once in the upper body Friday night as he headed for his car. The shooting at Dodger Stadium followed an argument over the teams, though it was unclear who the victim and the suspects were rooting for, police said. "
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Politics of Architecture and voting machines.
Crosman Postal Match: "This class is intended to simulate an ISSF 10 metre match, for those of us with a competition bent!

Any .177 or .22 air or CO2 pistol is allowed, including match pistols. Open sights only in this one!

Course of fire is 60 rounds, at 5 rounds per target, on 12 targets. Distance is 10 metres, and this match is shot ONE handed, unsupported. Match to be completed in 1hr45min.

Perfect score is 600 (Current top shots are shooting 580's!)

Target is standard ISSF 10mtr Air Pistol"
Crosman Postal Match: "Pistol - Novice Challenge

Budget air pistol: any pistol not exceeding $130US or $200Can. This class is shot standing unsupported, two handed from 6m (20ft).

Match air pistol: includes SSP and recoilless weapons. This class is shot standing unsupported, one handed from 6m.

Either open sights or optics allowed - please state which sights you used when you submit your score.

Target is 20 bullseyes, 1inch across. A centre is 5, middle ring is 3, outer ring is 1. Perfect score is 100. "

Friday, September 19

The Village Voice: Film: A Vampires-and-Werewolves Dud by Alex Pappademas: "The production design is over the top and around the corner, the neo-Wachowskian gunfights are trailer-riffic, and if the knotty plot doesn't set a nation of Ain't It Cool-ers a-bloggin', the sight of Kate Beckinsale in a form-fitting vinyl catsuit undoubtedly will. But the Montague/Capulet sparks that are supposed to fly between Beckinsale's vampire assassin and a would-be werewolf (erstwhile Felicity hunk Scott Speedman, telegraphing Keanu Reevesian bewilderment) never do." PHP 4.3 and Mac OS X [Jan. 16, 2003]

Wednesday, September 17

Dia a drawing program
Dia a drawing program: "Welcome to Dia's homepage. Dia is a gtk based diagram creation program released under the GPL license.

Dia is designed to be much like the commercial Windows program 'Visio'. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and simple circuits. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape." / News / World / Europe / Tale of woe for Denmark's Little Mermaid: "'The Little Mermaid is more a symbol for tourists, but not for Denmark,' Svensen said. 'She's not that beautiful. She's not that big. She is not art. She is a bit disappointing actually.'

'The story of her destruction had some meaning the first time. But ever since then it is a copy cat story, and that is not that interesting. When they find out who did it, we will cover that.'" | Honda pulls controversial advert (September 17, 2003): "HONDA Australia has withdrawn a television commercial amid criticism it was grossly insensitive and traded on the image of suicide.

The ad, for the new Honda Accord, shows the owner of an old model admiring a new version.

In response the old model locks the doors, revs the engine and speeds off the end of a cliff.

The national depression initiative, beyondblue said the company had demonstrated gross insensitivity to the key Australian health issue of suicide.

'One in five people experience depression in their life and depression is a major risk factor for suicide,' Professor Ian Hickie, beyondblue clinical adviser, said."

Monday, September 15 Comments Thingee (651149): "True Story:

I had a math professor fly to Vegas on a Saturday morning because the house he was building needed hardwood floors. In 6 hours he had won $60,000 counting cards. He took an overnight flight home and bought his flooring materials on Sunday morning. It took him longer to fly to and from Vegas from NC than it did to win the $60k..."

Sunday, September 14

Wired News: Through the Solar Looking Glass: "Ultimately, Dyson is confident her team's solar cells can reach nearly 100 percent efficiency -- compared with typical solar panels' conversion rate of less than 20 percent. To compare solar energy alternatives accurately, however, it's necessary to calculate the cost per watt or a similar ratio, and Dyson said it is too early to make that projection. "
The Salt Lake Tribune -- Mayor Keeps Job at Eagle Mountain: " But Bailey -- whose term expires in January 2006 -- says he is going to lighten his load. Instead of logging those '160-hour' work months he says forced him to neglect his private job as a contractor and spurred him to take off for California, Bailey says he will delegate more tasks to staff and City Council members.

That's news to Councilman Brigham Morgan, who says he has had no communication with Bailey for two weeks and is one of several council members who are not eager to welcome back the town's prodigal mayor.

'I'm a little disappointed and I'm concerned about the credibility of the council, the mayor and the decisions we make,' said Morgan, adding that many residents have lobbied him for the council to take a 'no confidence' vote in the mayor.

Councilman Greg Kehl, who has been filling in for Bailey, says stress has not been an issue for him during his brief stint as Eagle Mountain's chief executive.

'Things have run as smooth as glass,' he said. 'We've dealt with every issue that has come up. The staff has done a fantastic job. We haven't missed a beat.' "

Saturday, September 13

The North Carolina Experiment - Beth Cherry: "Chicago. Good Flick. What? Was Richard Gere in that movie? Where? There were men in that movie? Really? I didn't notice. I was too busy staring at Renee Zellweger's mouth which could have had it's own billing. "

Friday, September 12

The PHP Resource Index: Documentation: Examples and Tutorials: Database Manipulation
Use PHP to make spreadsheet without MySQL?: "I'm running a fledgling site for a group of people who play a certain online roleplaying game. Among other things, there's a list of members, and each member has a series of 'points' in the game. The points are calculated into a formula that gives each member a 'ratio.' The Excel spreadsheet I made up to calculate the ratio for each member looks like this:

WorldNetDaily: Dennis Miller jabs Democrat all-stars: "And you know something, if Robert Byrd were your grandfather and he came to Thanksgiving dinner and went off one of these demented screeds, everybody would sit there smiling at him, and as soon as he left the room, somebody'd say, 'Hey, what the hell are we gonna do about grandpa?''"
SEUL/edu Homepage

Tuesday, September 9 Project Filelist Comments Thingee (644146): "I predict the lasers will make David Blaine scream 'Noooooooooo!' in a deep, distorted howl as his face warps into demonic contortions, followed by his body rapidly decomposing into a skeleton, ending with an explosion of powdery ancient corpse material."

Monday, September 8 - Slip 'N Slide makers sue 'Dickie Roberts' - Sep. 8, 2003:

"Monday's lawsuit mentions one legal action brought by a Wisconsin adult who became paralyzed after diving onto the slide while intoxicated. The plaintiff in that case was awarded $12.3 million in damages, according to Monday's lawsuit. "
I found this discussion of car theft prevention on, an often overlooked area of google based on Usenet news: Steal My Car.
For class tonight:

1. Find your group members and get situated.

2. If you're not in a group yet, either find one, or make your own and steal members from another group.

3. Create a detailed outline of the types of information your project will contain. Collaborate as a group to do this, and put your names on the top. Next to each type of information, list possible sources.

4. At approximately 6:00 we will swap these and let another group respond to them.

Sunday, September 7

(Don't) Steal This Album! It's now cheaper. | Metafilter: "In another medium, Baen books ( has put out a free library of books ( and are selling some of their old collection and many of their new books as ebooks (

They've found that the books they've offered for free have actually increased in sales.

I've got a much bigger book habit than a music habit, and I've been happily paying Webscriptions for new books as they comes out or old books I'd like to carry around on my PDA.

The music industry could do worse than look at Baen's experiment."

Friday, September 5

New Scientist: "The first practical test of Fast TCP took place in November at a supercomputing conference. Researchers from Caltech, Stanford and CERN near Geneva in Switzerland, sent data 10,000 kilometres from Sunnyvale, California, to CERN at an average rate of 925 megabits per second. Ordinary TCP managed just 266 megabits per second on the same routes.

By ganging 10 Fast TCP systems together, the researchers have achieved transmission speeds of over 8.6 gigabits per second, which is more than 6000 times the capacity of ordinary broadband links."

Thursday, September 4

I'm the number one search hit on Google for "Mark Crane." So if you know me from somewhere in my past, there's no excuse for not getting in touch. Unless you owe me money or broke my heart.

Saturday, August 30

Cubicle Kudzu or other fast growing plants: "I just moved from a cube to an office. My only natural light, however, is a 3' x 3' window above the door. What I'd like to do is find something that grows quickly, the equivalent of Cubicle Kudzu (tm) and cover at least a wall with vines to soften the glaring white untextured drywall.

Is there a specific phrase I should be using when searching for plants that thrive in low-light conditions? 'Mushroom' ?

Follow-Up Postings:

RE: Cubicle Kudzu or other fast growing plants

Posted by: AuntieCelene 5b OH (My Page) on Thu, Aug 28, 03 at 9:49

Philodendron, pothos, tradescantia, all should be great for this. "
book recommendation? or Bamboo in the Desert: "Craniac,

Call me Eric, Mr. Layton just sounds way too formal! I purchased all but one of my bamboos by mail. Several from Tradewinds in Oregon (Tradewinds Bamboo Nursery) and a couple from Bamboo Headquarters in California (Bamboo Headquarters). The one I did not get by mail I was able to snag from the Peace Gardens. As far as local suppliers, I have seen Black Bamboo (Ph. nigra) and Yellow Groove Bamboo (Ph. aureosulcata) at Cactus & Tropicals and at Millcreek Gardens. They usually sell out quickly in the spring. The plants are in 5-7 galllon pots and I believe they come from Monrovia Nursery. Good luck on finding what you like, and keep the forum up to date on your progress. "

Thursday, August 28

ABS - Growing Bamboo in the Northeast: "How can bamboos grow in this climate? To grow bamboos, New England gardeners must be willing to accept the challenge of working with a plant that normally doesn’t grow in their climactic zone. And they must also understand that the taller bamboos will not grow to the height they would reach in Zones 5 or warmer. In a particularly hard Zone 4 winter (worst case scenario: a bare ground January, minus 30°F with wind) most bamboos will act like herbaceous perennials, losing leaves and stems to ground level. For most Zone 4 gardeners, this shouldn’t be too much of a shock since this is the norm for most plants in our area. "

For tall species -

Bambusa multiplex ‘Alphonse Karr’ - indoors height 18 feet. Culm diameter (stem size) up to about 1-1/2 inches. Full sun exposure / tolerates heat. Stems are bright yellow with green stripes. New shoots and stems often reddish. Leaves sometimes variegated white and green. Very ornamental. Forms a very tight clump, fountain shaped. Native to China. "
ABS - Growing Bamboo Indoors: "For small species -

Pleioblastus shibuyanus ‘Tsuboi’ - Indoor height up to 3 feet. A running species, “grassy” in appearance, with small white-striped leaves. Very vigorous. Does not tolerate hot sun. Prefers lower light conditions. Will lose vibrant variegation if too dark. Native to Japan. Temperate.

Bambusa multiplex 'Tiny Fern’ or ‘Golden Goddess’ - Indoor height 3 feet. Delicate leaves, fern-like. A dwarf form of B. multiplex rivereorum. Very adaptable to light conditions. Clumping. Native to China.

Indocalamus tessellatus - Indoor height 3 feet. Very large, 15-20-inch long leaves, held downwards. Tolerates very low light conditions and low humidity, very tough. Native to China. Temperate.

Chusquea coronalis - Indoor height 4 feet. Elegant and delicate, this bamboo needs a cool, humid environment but is well worth the extra effort. Annual dormancy comes in September, as leaves turn orange and it partially defoliates. Patience is required. Native to Costa Rica.

Raddia brasiliensis - Indoor height 2 feet. An example of the herbaceous (non-woody) bamboos of the tropical forest floor. Native to Brazil. Fern-like in appearance. Needs indirect light - provide shade from strong sun. Requires high humidity and supplemental chelated iron (to prevent chlorosis). Continually flowers on compact plants. Very interesting. Tropical. "

Monday, August 25 Comments Thingee (629281): "30,000 filthy hippies in the Nevada desert in August...

There is not enough patchouli oil in the world to mask that stench."

Saturday, August 23

Fishing Tubes, Rafts, and related equipment for sale at Warner Guns/Outdoor

Good inflatable raft page, including the really cheap Seahawk 500.
Search of Small Boat Forum

Seahawk raft discussion.
AMERICAN SPLENDOR / **** (R): "The Letterman sequences have the fascination of an approaching train wreck. Pekar really was a regular on the program in the 1980s, where he did not change in the slightest degree from the real Harvey. He gave as good as he got, until his resentments, angers and grudges led him to question the fundamental realities of the show itself, and then he was bounced. We see real Letterman footage, and then a fictional re-creation of Pekar's final show. Letterman is not a bad guy, but he has a show to do, and Pekar is a good guest following his own agenda up to a point, but then he goes far, far beyond that point. When I talked with Pekar at Cannes, he confided that after Letterman essentially fired him and went to a commercial break, Dave leaned over and whispered into Harvey's ear: 'You blew a good thing.'"

Wednesday, August 20

A few tasks:

1. class and syllabus prep

2. Friday and Monday meeting prep

3. revise four.

4. Get all office unpacked.
Plastic: Bowling For M.Bison :

"I just got through this level. The previous level was really fun, too.

I was having trouble with those levels, until a guy on the Kuma discussion boards pointed out that early in the game you've got to give Saddam logistical support and send Donald Rumsfeld over to shake his hand or you'll never make it that far. The big mistake that most novice players make is lodging diplomatic protests when Saddam first gasses the Kurds. You've got to save your 'humanitarian outrage' points until late in the game when Saddam is no longer useful to you. Then you can use them to invade Iraq and take over the oil fields and replace the oil wells you lost when the Islamic revolution overthrew your puppet regime in Iran. "

From a discussion of a new video game that uses actual video footage from the Iraq war.

Tuesday, August 19 - News - 'Phish' Bassist Arrested; Allegedly Found In Secluded Area With 9-Year-Old: "The commander says he 'absolutely' stands by the police investigation and has referred the bass player's boathouse rendezvous case to the Nassau County district attorney for prosecution.

The DA's office says the evidence is being evaluated. Regardless of whether Gordon has to face a judge next month, law-enforcement sources say unofficial justice was already delivered. The Hell's Angels, who detained Gordon for police, were not, the sources say, gentle with sensitive areas of the rock star's body. "
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: How He Spent His Summer Vacation: An Interview with Jonson Miller, Part One: "Q: How did the teaching experience compare to the classes you do at Virginia Tech?

Miller: The major difference is that at school everything is basically set up to help people learn, whereas at Beckley everything is set up to prevent anyone from learning anything. If you're going to get a GED there, you have to do it on your own. On the other hand, the two teaching environments are similar in that they're both trying to produce the strange phenomenon of educated ignorance "
Nick Denton: "I've just been passed a press release from Grove, saying they've bought the book rights to Salam Pax's diaries. (Salam Pax, for those on another planet, is the pseudonymous Baghdad blogger, who became an instant celebrity during the war.) The book will be called SALAM PAX: The Internet Diaries of Life Inside Baghdad -- though the Grove website has the title as My Name is Salam Pax, which sounds better, even if it is a cliche. No word yet on the advance but, given the competition for Salam's book, it must be well into the six figures. Which would make Salam one of the richest men in Iraq -- if one excludes the local warlords and mullahs, that is. And they said no one would ever make money out of blogging." Music: Smiling Pets [IMPORT]: "1998 Japanese-only release on Sony Records featuring 18 covers of Brian Wilson-penned Beach Boys tunes by top names in the avant-garde area on the alternative rock spectrum, including Adventures In Stereo, Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore, Olivia Tremor Control, Secret Chiefs 3, Jim O'Rourke and Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her (hadn't heard of them either, but anybody who names their band after an XTC song at least has their heart in the right place!). "
Plastic: Dark Side Of The Beach — The Smile That Ate Brian Wilson's Brain: "I'm not sure whether or not it's still in print, but if you can find a copy, Brian's autobiography Wouldn't It Be Nice contains a fairly lengthy section about the Smile sessions. After Brian became convinced his friend Jules Siegel's wife was a witch who was using ESP to confuse his brain, Capitol cancelled the album, and the band set about trying to make some workable music out of the session reels (or what was left of them--Brian erased some). He makes this comment about what was eventually released as 'Heroes And Villians':

It's hard to remember exactly how I originally intended the song to sound... "
Ryan's SMiLE Site
Plastic: Dark Side Of The Beach — The Smile That Ate Brian Wilson's Brain: "'The sad truth about the demise of Smile as an album proper, was mirrored by the simultaneous demise of Wilson's confidence as a songwriter and producer. Under pressure from the record company to have a hit single and under pressure from the rest of the Beach Boys to shy away from the experimental direction the album was taking, Wilson began to crack - and cracking along with him, were the last vestiges of a great musical vision. "

I can relate Brian, believe me.
Paul Newman Is Still HUD: "Unreliable sources report that the Fox suit has inspired Paul Newman, the actor, to file a similar suit in federal court against the Department of Housing and Urban Development, commonly called HUD. Mr. Newman claims piracy of personality and copycat infringement.

In the 1963 film 'HUD,' for which Mr. Newman was nominated for an Academy Award, the ad campaign was based on the slogan, 'Paul Newman is HUD.' Mr. Newman claims that the Department of Housing and Urban Development, called HUD, is a fair and balanced institution and that some of its decency and respectability has unfairly rubbed off on his movie character, diluting the rotten, self-important, free-trade, corrupt conservative image that Mr. Newman worked so hard to project in the film. His suit claims that this 'innocence by association' has hurt his feelings plus residuals."

Monday, August 18

The Console Wars, II: "A 20 year-old male will watch a story about a cartoon fish if it's funny and he has his girlfriend with him as a gaydar shield. He will not be caught dead watching a cartoon fish if he and his cartoon friends frequently and spontaneously break into song about how wonderful life is under the sea, even if said male works as an oceanographer and agrees wholeheartedly with the assertions contained therein. It has nothing to do with the quality of entertainment; it has everything to do with how foolish one feels doing it. "

Sunday, August 17

FREAKY FRIDAY / *** (PG): "Anna believes Tess is remarrying with unseemly haste; she's going through what in a Disney movie passes for a rebellious phase, and in real life would be exemplary teenage behavior. "

Sunday, August 3

KRT Wire | 08/03/2003 | Bryant's life has changed drastically the past month: "Called into question will be Bryant's off-the-court life and revealed might be sides of his character that even those close to him never knew."

Someone was given money to write that sentence.

Saturday, August 2

book recommendation? or Bamboo in the Desert: "I live north of Salt Lake City and have been growing bamboo for just over a year now. I have Phyllostachys nuda, aureosulcata aureocaulis, decora, glauca, and rubromarginata. The dry air is not too bad, but the first year is worse as far as leaf curling goes. If you keep the soil moist they should do OK. The winters can be harsh, I had some leaf loss last year but did not lose any branches and they all leafed out nicely in the spring. I have heard good things about Ph. decora and rubromarginata for tolerance to cold dry winds.

A book I would recommend for growing bamboo outdoors is 'The Gardeners Guide to Growing Temperate Bamboos' by Michael Bell. It deals with most of the varieties that can be grown in cold climates. If you want to stick with growing bamboo indoors, look for a tropical species that does not require a cold dormant period.

There are not too many public places to see bamboo but the International Peace Garden at Jordan Park in Salt Lake City has 3 different bamboos and Lagoon in Farmington has several varieties in a Japanese Garden next to the Samurai ride. I am always keeping my eyes open for bamboo plantings around the valley. "
Bamboo indoors?: "I have a Drepanostachys khasiana (a Himalayan mountain bamboo) that has lived in a very big Thai garden pot for six years. It lives inside from the end of October until the end of April, then it goes outside for the warm weather.

The soil gets refreshed every spring with new compost and a bit of sand and potting soil. If the 'boo outgrows the pot, it will get transplanted into a larger one. I haven't had to do that though because the pot it's in is humungous.

The biggest indoor problems are mealy bug and mites. Keeping humidity higher helps prevent mites, but mealy bug you have to watch for and spray the 'boo with warm soapy water that has a bit of liquid insecticide in it.

You also have to watch the water - can't overwater in winter or it will rot the roots. Pot up the 'boo in a soil mixture of 2 parts potting soil, 1 part sand and 2 parts good compost (rotted cow manure, etc.)."
Stam's Bamboo Nursery Ltd
Google Search: berrett rice ames iowa: "Berrett and Kristina Rice, (515) 233-6847, 1621 Clark Ave, Ames, IA 50010"

Friday, August 1

Cabinet Magazine Online - The Floating Island: "The prototype ice-ship, abandoned in Patricia Lake, did not melt until the end of the next summer."
Cabinet Magazine Online - The Floating Island: "Pykrete is the namesake of Geoffrey Pyke, who the Times of London once declared 'one of the most original if unrecognized figures of the present century.' His career began in 1914 when, as a teenager at Cambridge University, he landed a foreign correspondent job by using a false passport to sneak into wartime Germany. After getting tossed into a concentration camp, he fled the country in a daring daytime escape. In the 1920s, he virtually created progressive elementary education in Great Britain, all for the sake of his own son's education. Pyke financed his own school by brilliantly riding futures markets and controlling a quarter of the world's supply of tin, a ploy which brought him to financial ruin in 1929. He lived on as an eccentric hermit, publishing prescient warnings of Nazism and proposing one of the first media watchdogs. After the war, his freelance genius helped propel the creation of the National Health Service.3"

Thursday, July 31

Building A Bamboo Farm
Bamboo Sourcery
Are these good plants for an office cubicle?: "RE: Are these good plants for an office cubicle?

Posted by: MKFaizi Virginia (My Page) on Tue, Jul 8, 03 at 22:49

I think a creeping fig might do well under fluorescent light.

Best of all, at my work, we have a large ponytail palm growing nicely on top of a filing cabinet. I did not think it would do well there. The plant belongs to my doctor and it had been growing by a southern window for a year. I figured it would die on the cabinet with no natural light.

It is putting out new growth like wildfire.

Good office plant if you can put it directly under a fluorescent light.

Boston Globe Online / City & Region / Refusing help, woman gives birth aboard T: "About 90 seconds later, Chin said, ''I saw a head, then full baby fall out from her skirt, hit the floor sideways and slide the length of the doorway, stopping when he bumped up against the next row of seats. Still she stared out the window. Either she didn't know it happened or didn't want to acknowledge it.''

Judge bent down, picked up the baby and wrapped it in her scarf, Chin said."
Sci-Fi Hi-Fi: Weblog: "A conversation with my friend Josh upon leaving Pirates of the Caribbean last night:

Me: Hmm…so evidently pirates weren’t that bad after all!

Josh: Yeah, they were more like a peacekeeping force!"

Wednesday, July 30

The Morning News - Radio Free Marfa: "The next host arrives. His show, it turns out, is, a burned CD copy of the audio portion of the liberal television news show Democracy Now. Though legally blind for thirty years, the man burns the CD at home every day and %u2013 every day %u2013 rides his bike to the studio to play it on the air. And, since Radio Free Marfa is the sole receivable radio station in the area, his show is the only news anyone can get without a satellite (there%u2019s no TV either). Unfortunately, he can only play an hour of the two-hour show because of the limitations of his CD burner. Someday, he tells me, he hopes to get a DVD burner so he can bring in the whole show.

The Morning News - Radio Free Marfa: "Earlier in the day we visited the Marfa Book Company, the town%u2019s sole bookstore. I flipped through their music racks and noticed that mixed in with all the great country classics were many of the same CDs that DJ Tiger Bomb had brought here from New York, including the new Cat Power and Yo La Tengo albums. Who were the indie-rock buyers who kept the shelves stocked? As it turns out, many are local youths who made their way to Northeastern universities, then made their way back to Marfa for the summers, or sometimes forever. Unlike big-city superstores, the handpicked selection of books and CDs makes almost every item worthwhile. They have, essentially, cut the crap. The art and architecture sections are world class, and the store even carries the Sunday New York Times (hand-delivered each week from El Paso and sold at a loss but still sold %u2013 as a %u2018community service,%u2019 according to the clerk at the store).

Account E-mail Address

Tuesday, July 29

The Write Start: "I was 28 and had been set on being a writer since the age of 15. I had gone about it as methodically as somebody might become a dentist. I chose my college on the basis of the writer I most wanted to study with. I majored in the English honors program because it required me to study the entire literary tradition. I also took as many creative-writing courses as I could. I was monomaniacal about being a writer. But my monomania was dull. It consisted mainly of training myself to sit for long periods alone in a room."
The Write Start: "I was 57 when The Bonfire of the Vanities was published. In this day and age, I’ve become convinced that we’ve got to put the American novel on life support. It’s nonfiction that really matters today in the literary sense. Still, like most writers, I like to think my last thing was my best, and that was a novel."
The Write Start: "Back then, I thought a teaching job was the ultimate reward for writing a good book. I thought maybe I could publish a couple of books, they wouldn’t sell, but they’d be nicely reviewed in the Times, and we’d move to some nice college town and have the nice middle-class life we’d always thought we wanted. But when I did finally do some teaching, it completely ate me up. I was spending three days a week on one class, and it just didn’t seem compatible with writing novels in the long run."
The Write Start: "When I started out as a writer, though, a few years later, I was afraid I’d get eaten up if I moved to New York and be demoralized by the competition and spend all my time earning money. So this is still the advice I give to young writers: Go to, like, northeastern Ohio, and write your first book. Go someplace cheap, and move to New York later."
Legal commentators weigh SCO's chances: "As often happens when confronted by a common enemy, the various arguing factions in the Free Software and Open Source communities have suspended their differences to focus on understanding the threat and to defeat it. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) and Open Source Initiative (OSI) have not traded barbed comments publicly in months. Once common disagreements over which Linux vendor builds the best distribution have subsided. Even those sometimes obstreperous KDE and Gnome desktop groups recently seem to have stayed closer to their respective knitting. There seems to be a generally pervasive understanding that such petty squabbles can wait.

Even more remarkably, people are contributing research outputs, analysis programs and scripts, historical documents, as well as commentaries and ideas. And the power of all their contributions and efforts is becoming apparent in resources that have been assembled, with visible results.

I've mentioned the SCO vs IBM informational Wiki previously, and that is here, providing starting references and analyses. If anyone has additional materials, that's a good place to submit those.

Paralegal Pamela Jones writes the scrupulously researched Groklaw web log. Her entries are detailed, interesting, and clearly instructive about the relevant legal doctrines and points of argument on both sides of the several disputes that might arise. Ms. Jones' crisp and spirited commentaries are easy to read and her essays alone are totally worth the trip. Her awesome Groklaw dissection of the SCO War can be found here."