Thursday, April 8

Identity Thieves Filed For $4 Million in Tax Refunds Using Names of Living and Dead | Threat Level |

Identity Thieves Filed For $4 Million in Tax Refunds Using Names of Living and Dead | Threat Level | "Rigmaiden gave the informant details instructions for “washing” the currency in lantern fuel to remove any drug or explosives residue that might be picked up by a drug-sniffing dog. He was also told to double vacuum-seal the currency, place it in the cavity of a toy and gift wrap the toy with a birthday card intended for a dying child. Rigmaiden allegedly told the informant he would send someone armed carrying a semi-automatic rifle to pick up the package from a drop address. He planned to send an encrypted mail to the media, which contained details of the operation. If his courier was arrested in a sting operation, he’d send the media the key to decrypt his message. This would embarrass law enforcement, he allegedly said, because the public would know agents had put people at risk by conducting a sting against someone known to be carrying a rifle.

Rigmaiden told the informant at various times that he was an encryption and privacy expert and discussed building aerial drone assassins that would be perfect for taking out politicians via remote control, Fleischman wrote in his affidavit."

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