Wednesday, July 3

nothing, and lots of it
Today, I spent a few hours setting up a collaborative intranet that I've been struggling with for the past few weeks. Due to the difficulty of trying to find the right set of tools for the job, I've been evaluating a set of packages and had a rough go with a restrictive web host. Eventually, I settled upon a combination of tools including PHP, MySQL, phpwiki, and phpMyAdmin. I downloaded a lot of packages and took some time installing and configuring things. Once it was time to finally test out all these foreign (to me) applications, everything worked perfectly the first time, and that same feeling came rushing back. For a few minutes, it was 1995 all over again, and a string of cryptic characters I barely understood actually produced things I could see and manipulate any way I pleased. A new world of possibilities suddenly opened up, and there's a lot of new things still left to learn and do.

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