Tuesday, April 9

Topica Email List Directory Sorry, I don't mean to lose it, but I've had it up to here with the

whole "well, if you believe *markets are conversations*, why don't you

let us talk freely." There is a big difference between "markets are

conversations" and every fucking idiot and his dog expressing their

opinion. Don't get me wrong -- I love it when people start their own

websites. Great! Go express yourself! Guess what? If you touch a

nerve, you'll get readers. But the simple fact is that most of these

discussion board shitheads couldn't pull readers to their own site if

their life depended on it.

Not to revert to the whole complex adaptive systems theory all over

again, but voices of prominence rising to super-node status in the

network is simply how this shit works. No one said all of the nodes

would be of equal status.

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