Sunday, September 18

No class on Monday

Because you have a rough draft due in class on Wednesday the 21st, I want you to take Monday to meet as a group and take care of business, i.e. make sure everyone is on task and knows what they are writing. Your draft should be 2-4 pages per person.

In addition to meeting with your group, you need to start getting used to working as a team online, or collaborating. To that end, I would like you to do the following:

1. post your working draft to your group page in webct.

2. read and respond to each team member's draft before class on Wednesday. By respond, I mean:

a. look for any obvious problems or gaps
b. ask for definitions of key terms
c. point out where illustrations might be appropriate
d. point out any sentences that sound painful.
e. check if instructions are being provided in a logical sequence with no omissions
f. make the document as visually professional as you can. Start talking as a team about what your document should look like.
g. report on what your class accomplished and upload the resulting memo to your group files. Label it: distance collab. memo

Please contact me with any questions. You are welcome to use the class computers during the class hour. I will check your work Monday evening.

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