Monday, February 2

In their presentation, "Researching Digital Literacies: The
Methodological Challenges of Life History, Collaboration,
and Autobiography," Hawisher and Selfe will focus upon the
collaborative methodology they have developed and the
ethical issues they have faced during the past six years
spent researching technological literacy in America from

In her presentation "Qualitative Research on the Internet:
Considerations for the Ethnographic Surfer," Mountford will
focus on the practical and theoretical issues that arise
when conducting qualitative research through the Internet.
She will examine two kinds of special problems:
safeguarding the privacy of participants whom one studies,
and determining when data posted on the Internet is public
or private.

The rest of the workshop will be organized as a research
roundtable in which researchers will present work-in-
progress for feedback. Veteran researchers will be on hand
to facilitate roundtable discussions. The goal of this
annual workshop is to offer mentoring and support to
qualitative researchers at all levels of experience.

Presenters may focus on specific concerns and/or broader
issues related to qualitative research and we encourage
submissions from those at any stage of the research
process. Each presenter will have twenty minutes for both
presentation and feedback, which will necessitate
presenters to have on hand concise and accessible summaries
of their studies.

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