Wednesday, December 19

RRE 2001/06: [RRE]Machine Dreams One can
always recognize a cyborg science by the glee with which it insinuates
such world-shattering questions as: Can a machine think? How is a
genome like a string of binary digits in a message? Can lifeforms
be patented? How is information like entropy? Can computer programs
be subject to biological evolution? How can physicists clarify the
apparently political decision of the targeting of nuclear weapons?
Can there be such a thing as a self-sufficient "information economy"?
And most disturbingly: What is it about you that makes 'you' really
you? Or is your vaunted individuality really an illusion?

This breaching of the ramparts between the Natural and the Social,
the Human and the Inhuman, may be the most characteristic attribute
of the cyborg sciences.

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