Wednesday, December 5

mgkimsal:  random thought - 

mgkimsal: why is it that virus writers invariably can't spell or write

worth a dime?

mgkimsal: do they think that by putting in bad spelling/grammar more people

will think it's 'real'?

mgkimsal: I swear, the first time someone puts together a *real* virus -

something that can generically put together random yet coherent and

real sounding email messages - we'll be in for a real treat.

camworld2: i still think a virus that deletes Outlook and installs Eudora

would be great

mgkimsal: no argument here

camworld2: think about it, a PROACTIVE virus that does good

mgkimsal: actually, we were just talking about this here

mgkimsal: one of the things diehard Outlook fans like is the

calendar/appointment thing

mgkimsal: if you wrote a virus that simply moved people's appointments around,

without drawing attention to itself, you'd do more damage than

anyone could imagine

mgkimsal: don't have it replicate 50,000 times per hour

mgkimsal: just now and then

mgkimsal: and silently change Bob's appointment from 1:00pm to 9:30am

mgkimsal: he'll drive somewhere when he shouldn't be, etc.

camworld2: ha ha

mgkimsal: I'm too evil...

camworld2: insert2

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