Sunday, December 12

"You're in good hands and Gibbs will call last question." | MetaFilter

"You're in good hands and Gibbs will call last question." | MetaFilter: "There isn't a politician alive that's not a filthy, slimed-up bag of pus, it's just part of the job. And they will make deals, they will kow-tow to anyone they have to, they will pass legislation that is completely odious. It's vile. No US political party or system is ever going to be anything less than vile. But when democrats are in power, things tend to get better for everyone who's making less than $40 million a year, and many less people tend to get killed. I don't think the democrats even do it on purpose, as they are every bit as self-centered and criminal as the rest, but by mistake it becomes better for the average mope, ie me, probably you."

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