Thursday, December 9 - Murdered bookseller unknowingly bought stolen books from gang member - Murdered bookseller unknowingly bought stolen books from gang member: "n February of 2009, 20-year-old Lorin Nielsen was arrested and charged with stealing books from his father, a polygamous church president.

He sold them to Sherry Black for $20,000.

The books included a first-edition French Book of Mormon signed by John Taylor with a message to Parley P. Pratt.

In total, the books were worth an estimated $45,000.

When the father confronted Nielsen about the theft, the report states Nielsen warned him that 'if he got police involved he will set off a chain of events he's not going to like because he is a member of a gang.'

Police reports state Nielsen was affiliated with an Insane Clown Posse, or Juggalos gang and had access to guns."

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