Tuesday, November 9

cubicledrone comments on This Is Why We Pirate

cubicledrone comments on This Is Why We Pirate: "Piracy exists because there is no supply in a market with growing demand. People want reasonably priced, convenient digital content. Those companies that provide that product (Hulu, independent bands, Amazon.com, blogs, podcasters, App Store) are growing at a staggering rate. All other companies are suffering.
It has nothing to do with 'not wanting to pay for ***.' The proof is simple. Everyone who buys even a single orange at a grocery store has all the ingredients they need to never run out of oranges again, yet oranges are one of the most lucrative agricultural businesses in the country.
Water falls out of the sky for free. Bottled water is a billion-dollar business.
Fans can watch baseball on television for free. Ballparks are routinely sold out.
People will pay if you sell a good product. They won't pay otherwise. The end."

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