Friday, January 31

Google Search:
I'm writing a manual and would like to creat a sidebar. By sidebar I

mean that when I print front and back the sidebar stays on the outside

edge. The sidebar will have two uses. In the instructors manual it

will have notes and icons describing how to present the material. In

the students manual it will be blank space to make notes.

Using one of Microsofts tips

(, I

created a template with mirrored margins and made the outside margin

about 3" wide and then putting a text box in the header for both an odd

and an even page. This almost works but the only thing I need now is to

have every page with a different headers and footers so the information

in the text boxes won't be the same on every page. To do that I know I

can insert a section break but that will also make changes to the layout

of the document when I have to update the manual.

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