Saturday, August 7

Massive Right-Wing Censorship Of Digg Uncovered | MetaFilter

Massive Right-Wing Censorship Of Digg Uncovered | MetaFilter: "You can't parody them any more. They're so far gone that you if you try to make fun of a Tea Partier, you turn around and they're saying something so crazy that it outstrips your parody by factors. It's like you show up to a party with a couple of buckets of crazy saying 'Look at me! I'm a Tea Partier! Nobama! Nobama!' and then you realize that there's a guy at the party that has brought a whole kiddy pool of crazy and he's splashing around in it in the middle of the room, just flailing around in his gallons and gallons of batshit-insane, totally serious about the whole thing, not at all aware of the shocked silence and embarassment of everyone else in the room, and you realize that no matter how hard you try, you can never compete."

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