Monday, May 7

Engaged: Conference: inkwell.vue, Topic 111 >surfed several of the hot ones for a year. He said they were all about
>everyone's mood swings, medications, cat, cubicle job, car...

Actually it sounds like your friend wasn't surfing weblogs, but was rather
surfing web diaries, a phenomenon that preceded weblogs by a couple of
years. Web diaries or web journals are entirely personal sites, and many of
them are very popular, but they tend to be quite different from weblogs.

Most weblogs, in fact, contain little personal information; a lot of them
are just annotated link lists (this is the "canonical" format for weblogs).
The ones more interesting to me, however, are those that contain not only
lists of links with brief comments, but also contain the author's personal
thoughts and insights, sprinkled with some tidbits from their personal life
to give them a more concrete and embodied flavor. My favorite weblogs
(some of which I listed in my introductory post, above) are of this style;
a combination of personal journal, personal commentary and thoughts, and
references to interesting developments in art, science, technology, and
other things.

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