Wednesday, October 20

Apolitically Incorrect � Automatically Importing an MS Word Document into LyX

Apolitically Incorrect � Automatically Importing an MS Word Document into LyX: "Unfortunately, one my favorite Open Source Writing programs, the LaTeX front-end LyX, does not support Microsoft Word files. And even though I prefer to write using LyX and LaTeX, I’m often forced to use MS Word simply so that I can “stay in the loop”.
But that doesn’t mean I’ve been happy about it.
When I’m not happy, I�get motivated to solve the problem.� Thus,�I’ve been trying to shoehorn my preferred tools into a world dominated by Word for a very long time.� After experimenting with a lot of different options, I think I’ve finally come up with a system seems to work pretty well. Specifically:
It allows me to import Microsoft Word files into LyX with a single click.
It maintains most document structure, including headers, styles, and other structural elements.
It successfully translates MS Word syntax to LyX.� This means that I do not need to spend time repairing double quotes or fixing em-dashes."

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