Friday, July 8

For today's online class (Friday, July 8th) I'd like you to do two thing:

1. Discuss the recent readings on usability, and usability in general, on the discussion board. Post at least a paragraph discussing the readings, and respond with at least a paragraph to someone else's posting. Some questions you might consider answering:

a. Can Neilsen's web criteria be effectively applied to paper documentation?

b. Does "usability" really matter, or is it just an annoying piece of jargon?

c. How on earth could this possibly apply to your jobs in the real world, if you don't become a technical writer?

You can probably come up with better questions on your own.

Ok, the second thing I need from you is to take that article on applying Neilsen's criteria to paper docs, and, using that checklist, design a simple usability form that your test subjects can use to evaluate the documentation you are bringing to class on Monday. Post your form to the discussion area for other class member's to get ideas from. It's ok if you plagiarize each other like crazy in this assignment, and you can post multiple drafts if you take an idea from someone and improve your original. try to keep it to one page, if possible.

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