Tuesday, June 21

Predictions Database: "How will the internet change our lives between 2004 and 2014? A survey of 1,286 network-technology stakeholders, conducted by Elon University and the Pew Internet & American Life Project in the fall of 2004, harvested thousands of projections of what's to come in the next decade. Participants included people from Internet2, Microsoft, Oracle, RAND, AOL, IBM, the FBI, the FCC; Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley, Harvard, and many other top universities; the Mayo Clinic, SBC, AT&T, Gartner, Jupitermedia and hundreds of other government and corporate entities. Participating respondents included people from France, Australia, Japan, Canada, Nigeria and many other nations. Nearly half of the respondents began using the Internet prior to 1993, including about 6 percent who began using it in 1982 or earlier, and 38 percent who began using it sometime between 1983 and 1992, adding up to a total of 44 percent of respondents who have been net-savvy for well over a decade. Internet 'stars' who completed the survey include Vint Cerf, Esther Dyson, Bob Metcalfe, Dan Gillmor, Howard Rheingold, Simson Garfinkel and David Weinberger (see the biographies link below for more information on some of the respondents). Most of the respondents classified themselves as research scientists, entrepreneurs/business leaders, authors/journalists or technology developers/administrators"

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