Saturday, February 19

Oops. Your chat connection may have been interrupted - Google Chat Help

Oops. Your chat connection may have been interrupted - Google Chat Help: "Update: I can confirm that this is a known issue. We're working to resolve it, but it could be a little while until we get it fixed. In the meantime, disabling outbound Google Voice calls as is suggested above should resolve it.

However, keep in mind that sometimes this is a legitimate error that can appear in low bandwidth scenarios. If you've disabled outbound Voice but occasionally get this error, it's not the same issue we're currently experiencing."


shadow said...

the issue is still there. I saw blog posts about it dated back to Feb/11. It is August and I started getting this error a few days ago and no help or solution is available. disabled the outgoing calls, and still have the problem.

Sam said...
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Sam said...

I am also getting it. It's August 25/2011 and I've been receiving this error for the past few days. I've also disabled outgoing calls. The connection gets lost and I then have to manually tell it to enable again. Any ideas of how to fix this? It happens usually once every 5 mins.