Saturday, November 20

Well, there's at least ONE "Whitie" could use some killin'... | MetaFilter

Well, there's at least ONE "Whitie" could use some killin'... | MetaFilter: "That sort of thing' means a show that transcends the usual 'I am a person watching musicians perform on stage' and becomes 'I am participating in a strange overwhlemingly sensate ritual that might destroy me'. They went on late and by the standards of later shows it was even pretty tame but they turned off all the lights and there was a moment and then suddenly small firecrackers were going off all over in the audience and then they dragged out a lot of stuff and set it on fire and played these massive interlocked beats with three drummers standing over a small red light on stage and they turned on a strobe and then sprayed out water on a long, flat arc over the crowd and into your face -- you'd see it caught in the strobe for an appreciable instant before SMACK in the face with it, it's a peak moment for you if you like sensation!"

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