Saturday, August 7

Rockstar, Blizzard and Quantic Dream Lead the Pack -

Rockstar, Blizzard and Quantic Dream Lead the Pack - "PLAYER EMPATHY This is almost impossible to isolate, but when you play a Blizzard or Rockstar game, or most titles from other elite developers like Bungie, Epic, Valve, Id or Popcap, you are immersed in a feeling that they were made by people who actually like to play games. To them, it seems, the overall entertainment experience comes first, and the path to making a lot of money is paved by smiles, which is as it should be.

In the end, what these games convey is their creators’ unmistakable culture of excellence: a clear, rational, stubborn refusal to be anything less than the best at what they do. It is an incredibly powerful sensation when you get to experience it."

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